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11月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

BR01-04 London

Big red buses... Buckingham Place...the London Eye...Big Ben these are only some of the things in London. It is a big, beautiful, noisy and exciting city. More than eleven million visitors come every year from countries all over the world. London is the most interesting city. I like london’s culture, and scenes. And london’s weather is not always sunny, so it’s fit me. London’s city has a lot of ethnics. So, we can meet many kinds of people. It’s good experience for us. Flinders,S.(2010). Scotland. Oxford university press.

BR 1-03 The tale of two cities

-Carton walked towards the guillotine. The croed cheered. "Death to St Evremonde!" they shouted. And Sydney Carton smiled. This story is set in the French Revolution. A young man who abonded his peerage, he live in London with his wife Lucie. But he go back to France to help his servant. In fact, it was trap. He arrested. He receive a death sentence because of his father and uncle's bad things they did. His friend Carton, he become a substitute for Charles because he Love Lucie. He don't make her sad. Why I like this book is I like to read about French Revolution. I like this era, so I chose this book. Charles,Dickens.(1997). The tale of two cities . Macmillan readers.