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Last weekend

Last weekend, I did something home jobs. First I washed my clothes and some towels. I love do the laundry. I have two washing detergent, so I choice these by my mind.
Second I cleand my room.I used vacuum. I clean my room every other day, but the dust born everyday!
I did everything I have to do, I wathed my favorite movie"singing in the rain". It was so gorgeous.



Introduce myself and about a book

Hi,everyone, I'm Mako K. I'm from Japan, Kagoshima. I like reading,watching movies,and playing with animal especially dogs. If you have some questions about Kagoshima,please ask me anything.   Today I read "The Wish Fish". It was easier than other books I have ever read,but I like the story. A wife and a husband living near the sea. so they fishing everyday,and they are satisfired. one day, husband fished a magical fish...


I read "Rapunzel". I had wathed movie edition, so I khew the story. It was not disney virsion, so the end of story was not same I thought. Rapunzel is great and beautiful girl. Witch robbed her from her parents, and witch grown up her in a high tower. She has beautiful voice, and she was sing in the tower. Then a prince heard her vouce, and he want to see her. He used her long hair, they were meet everyday. Witch found the fact, she got angry. She transferred Rapunzel to desert. A prince looked for Rapunzel, and he got blind. He lost a lot of things, but he only wanna Rapunzel. After some years, they could meet. Rapunzel's tears heal prince's blind. And they live together forever.

The adventures of Tom Sawyer

       "We have wrriten our promise in blood", said Tom. "Now, we can't tell anybody. Let's go!"  (p,32)             I knew the story because it's very famous book in the world, but I have never read this book in japanese. So I choice this book.       Tom is a boy who likes mischef. He is a famous boy in his town because he make mischief every day and the adults have difficult.      He is crazy about to built a house to his friend, Huck. He has no house to live in.       Someday, Tom and Huck goes to graveyard. They saw a murder case and the criminal was escape. The criminal left many gold so Huck found it.       Because of it, Huck got a family.  Twain,Mark.(1876). The adventures of Tom Sawyer .Macmillan Readers.