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10月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

BR 1-02:A day in london

"Look after Gran," said Mum as they got into the car. "Try and stop her getting into trouble." "We'll do our best," said Biff, "but it won't be easy." (p9) Why I choose this book is I like to read about abroad. Title has the name of country, so I borrow it. This bbok tells us the situation of London and how enjoy there. It's fiction story but we can follow this story. I could imagin how exciting activity in London, so I like this book. This book is in the Oxford reeding tree series. It has a lot of exciting books. But I wonder it's a little bit easy for university students. Hunt, Roderick. (2003).  A day in London . Oxford University Press.

BR 1-01 Chiristmas Adventure

The magic key began to grow. "It's time foe a magic adventure,"  said Chip. "I hope it's a Christmas adventure." (p.6) Today I read "Christmas Adventure". I like Christmas.The day of Christmas, it has an special atmosphere. We can have great dinner, and get some presents. So, I choose this book. There are a family. Parents were preparing for Christmas and they asked to their children's help. But children didn't do that. They have a magic key so they went to where santa's living place. They knew santa is busy, so they helped santa's job.After that, they eat dinner with santa,and then yhe magic key began to grow, so they go back to their house.